04 350z Fuse Box Diagram
Trailer tow park lamp fuel pump fuel heater ignition switch starter motor battery charge window motor delay accessory relay anti lock break system variable fan control front wiper instrument cluster pcm memory horn exterior lamp body security module engine control 4x4 module fuel injection control module climate.
04 350z fuse box diagram. Control p 4 29 or switch for bluetooth. Cruise control main set switch. 350z 2007 fuse box. Diagram for 04 nissan 350z roadster where is the fuse box located in my 04 350z.
Nissan 350z 2007 fuse box diagram. Headlight turn signal switch p 2 24 2. If your 350z is experiencing electrical problems you. Fuse box diagram location and assignment of electrical fuses and relays for nissan 350z 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008.
Fuse mapampsblower motor15aaudio10amirror cont10apower ant75acig lighter15awiper20astop lamp15atel10abose speaker15ahazard lamp10aair con comp7 5aturn signal7 5aanti skid7 5ao2 sens15apower window rr rh20apower window as20abose speaker15aclock7 5akey warning10aheater seat15ahicas7 5ameter7 5aa t cont7 5aair bag10atel3apower window rr lh20aglove box lamp7 5atail lamp7 5ast signal7 5aroom lamp7. Instrument brightness control switch p 2 26 3. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008. Electrical components such as your map light radio heated seats high beams power windows all have fuses and if they suddenly stop working chances are you have a fuse that has blown out.
Https fuse box info nissan nissan 350z 2003 2008 fuses and relays fuse box diagram location and assignment of electrical fuses an. More about nissan 350z fuses see our website. Driver supplemental air bag p 1 28 horn p 2 27 5. The video above shows how to replace blown fuses in the interior fuse box of your 2008 nissan 350z in addition to the fuse panel diagram location.
Also would like a diagram of the nissan 2004 350z question. Fuse box layout nissan 350z coupe and roadster z33. See more on our website. Hands free phone system p 4 31 4.